California Families in Focus
I Matter 2 Anti Bullying Program

Considering the 2018 suicides of public figures as well as youth as young as six years old, we were urged by our community to come together to empower our youth and show them that they matter, and in 2018, we brought together 16 amazing presenters from law enforcement, as well as therapists, and families who lost a loved one due to bullying or suicide. The resource fair featured information from 35 community organizations including life coaches, nutritionists, spiritual healers, exercise trainers, domestic violence counselors, college counselors. Youth also benefited from on the spot counseling.
Spirit of Christmas

The Annual Spirit of Christmas Brunch benefits women, children and some men living in domestic violence, drug rehab and homeless shelters.
Since 2003, the California Families in Focus (CFF) Board of Directors, Associate Committee, local businesses and community organizations annually coordinate a drive to collect clothing (pajamas, socks, underwear, beanies, gloves, scarves), gift cards, personal items (cosmetics, etc.), and monetary donations for this special holiday event.
Long Beach Trans Pride

Long Beach Trans Pride Festival was born from that commitment and aligns with CFF’s mission “to develop and provide positive and innovative events and social service programs for youth and their families to achieve empowerment and purpose.”
The Festival gives a voice to non-conforming members of the community and provides a space where being yourself is elevated and celebrated.
At California Families in Focus, we strive to empower the lives of youth in the Los Angeles community through our variety of programs. Our programs are designed to provide youngsters with all the tools they need to be great leaders tomorrow. We are happy to be the driving force behind the development of our children, and hope to continue making a difference in their lives.